Saturday, September 28, 2024


Othman underestimates reforms proposal importance to settle crisis in Iraq

 Othman underestimates reforms proposal importance to settle crisis in Iraq

Othman underestimates reforms proposal importance to settle crisis in Iraq

Baghdad ( MP, Mahmoud Othman, of the Kurdistani Alliance underestimated the importance of the reforms proposal to settle the political crisis in Iraq, noting that “Applying Erbil agreement and the constitution is the only solution without the need to prepare a new reforms proposal,” calling not to show the “Excessive optimism over the reforms proposal.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “The project of the political reforms was set to hurdle the project of investigating the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki and withdrawing confidence from him, whereas the withdrawing of the confidence and the investigating are almost cancelled.”

“The constitution and Erbil agreement, if applied, they are considered a complete reforms proposal where the importance is in applying them and not in making a new reforms proposal,” he added.

“Setting the reform proposal requires the agreement of all the political blocs and applying them which is considered the best thing in this issue that need to be done in a time limits,” he pointed out.

“All the blocs are responsible for creating the political crisis, but the responsibility depends on the size of the blocs where Maliki holds the biggest responsibility over creating it,” he concluded.