Friday, September 20, 2024


Talabani announces soon settlement for political crisis

 Talabani announces soon settlement for political crisis

Talabani announces soon settlement for political crisis

Baghdad ( The President, Jalal Talabani, while meeting the head of the Wasat bloc, Ayad al-Samarai, announced that the meetings and the communications that he conducts might settle the political crisis soon.

Presidential statement cited that “Talabani assured that he will continue his efforts to bring the various views closer when he comes back to Iraq soon.”

“Talabani received the Secretary General of the Iraqi Islamic Party, Ayad Samarai on Thursday and some leaders of the IIP,” the statement added.

“Samarai congratulated Talabani for the success of the surgery that was conducted for Talabani in Germany, expressing his confidence that Talabani’s return will highly contribute to settle the political crisis,” the statement pointed out.

“Talabani appreciated Samarai’s visit and his brotherly feelings,” the statement concluded.