Saturday, September 21, 2024


Saad urges blocs to resort to dialogue

 Saad urges blocs to resort to dialogue

Saad urges blocs to resort to dialogue

Baghdad ( MP Susan al-Saad, a leader within the Fadhila Party, reiterated “the necessity to resort to dialogue among the political blocs,” considering it as the only way to resolve disputes.”

In a statement received by, she called to “Activating bilateral dialogues for holding the national conference.”

She stressed that “The Constitution and the agreements that are consistent with it should be the reference to decide about the demands of all parties.”

MP al-Saad added that “The political dialogue, the reform process and the success of related initiatives need an atmosphere clear of media escalation and regaining confidence among all parties.”

She called for “An active and influential role for the government in solving the Syrian crisis through the participation of all the political blocs and through the constitutional institutions in determining the general features of the Iraqi foreign policy in order to preserve the security and safety of this vital part of the world and protect it from sliding into further deterioration.”

She noted that “Fadhila Party held frank bilateral dialogues with all politicians and confirmed the existence of the desire of everyone to resolve the outstanding issues through political dialogues and under the roof of the Constitution and respect for the agreements as well as the believe of everyone that there should be a clear road map about political reforms.”

She explained, “There are also concerns about the disturbed situation in the region and military escalation against Iran and the unstable conditions in KSA and Bahrain, as well as the armed conflict that is going on in Syria and the possible implications on Iraq.”