Sunday, September 29, 2024


Maliki, Nijaifi discuss latest political updates in Iraq

 Maliki, Nijaifi discuss latest political updates in Iraq

Maliki, Nijaifi discuss latest political updates in Iraq

Baghdad ( The Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, met the Iraqi Parliament Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi to discuss the latest updates of the political process in Iraq.

An informed source stated to Iraqi News ( on Sunday “Maliki discussed with Nijaifi the latest political developments and the political crisis in addition to the means of settling it.”

The parliament rapporteur, Mohammed al-Khalidi, reveled to on Saturday that a meeting will be held between Maliki and Nijaifi on Sunday to discuss the pending issues and the file of the security ministries.

MP, Liqa Wardi, of the Iraqiya Slate stressed that “The planned meeting to be held, tomorrow, Sunday, between the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki and the Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, is to discuss the security developments.”

Wardi stated to “The meeting will comprehensively discuss the whole security situation and the names nominated for the positions of the security ministries.”

“The nominated names are the commanders of the Army brigades where those candidates are now under discussion till submitting this file to the Parliament for voting,” she concluded.