Sunday, September 29, 2024


Political Reforms proposal, fake plan prepared by SLC, says Kurdish MP

 Political Reforms proposal, fake plan prepared by SLC, says Kurdish MP

"Political Reforms proposal, fake plan prepared by SLC," says Kurdish MP

Baghdad ( MP, Hamid Bafi, of the Kurdistani Alliance accused “The State of Law Coalition led by the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, of preparing the Political Reforms proposal just to distract the people and the politicians to stay in the Government as long as possible.”

Bafi added in a statement to Iraqi News ( “The political sides which demanded earlier to withdraw confidence from Maliki have to hold a meeting after the vacation of Eid al-Fitr to discuss the Reforms paper.”

“This proposal has been talked about for three months, however, it was not shown to any MP or politician or even the figures that are interested in the Iraqi affairs,” he added.

“The majority of the MPs and observers agree that there is no proposal for conducting reforms but it is a fake plan prepared by the SLC to distract people and keep position as long as possible,” he assured.

Bafi emphasized that “The partnership between the Kurdistani Alliance and the Iraqiya Slate is unreal.”