Sunday, September 29, 2024


Wardi: Maliki, Nijaifi discussed mechanism of holding national meeting

 Wardi: Maliki, Nijaifi discussed mechanism of holding national meeting

Wardi: Maliki, Nijaifi discussed mechanism of holding national meeting

Baghdad ( MP, Liqa Wardi, of the Iraqiya Slate stated that the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, and the parliament Speaker, Osama al-Nijaifi, have discussed, during their meeting on Sunday, the mechanism of holding the national meeting and the mutual relations.

Speaking to Iraqi News (, she said “Maliki and Nijaifi assured the importance of endorsing many crucial law drafts that could help in improving the security procedures in Iraq.”

“The IS has submitted the names of two candidates for the post of the Defense Minister where Maliki has submitted two names for the post of the Interior Minister and these names will be discussed till reaching the deal about them,” she concluded.