Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iran confirms Maliki’s participation in NASM Summit in Tehran

 Iran confirms Maliki’s participation in NASM Summit in Tehran

Iran confirms Maliki\

Baghdad ( Iran confirmed the participation of the Premier, Nouri al-Malik, in the Summit of the Non-Aligned States that will be held in Tehran.

“The Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zibari, and the Iraqi delegation have arrived in Tehran on Monday night to participate in the Summit,” the agency concluded.

The Iranian Faris News Agency quoted the Iranian ambassador, Hassan Dani, as saying “According to the formal invitation to Maliki by Iran, Maliki decided to participate in the NASM Summit in Tehran.”

Earlier, Maliki received an official invitation to attend the Summit of the Non-Aligned States to be held in Tehran.

A press statement by Maliki’s office cited “The envoy of the Iranian President, Ahmed al-Musawi, handed over the invitation to Maliki during their meeting in Baghdad on Monday.”