Sunday, September 29, 2024


Agriculture Committee calls to stick to specific pricing for strategic crops

 Agriculture Committee calls to stick to specific pricing for strategic crops

Agriculture Committee calls to stick to specific pricing for strategic crops

Baghdad ( The Parliamentary Agriculture, Waters, marshes Committee plans to submit “A request to the Advisors board within the Council of Ministers to increase the prices of the main agrarian crops.”

The Agriculture Committee’s Rapporteur, Itab al-Dori assured “I will participate in the workshop held by the Advisors board in the Cabinet headquarter under title “Support Strategic crops” wheat, barley, rice and all types of dates.

“We will ask the Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, and the Agriculture Minister, Izzeldin al-Dawla to increase the prices of the strategic crops of wheat, barley, rice and all kinds of dates,” She added.

“The Committee presented, on last year, a suitable pricing for wheat and barley crops; Dori added confirming “If this pricing were adopted, then they could ease the difficulties facing the farmers as it participates in lifting their standard of living,”

“We intend to submit this pricing again to the Parliament for voting,” she concluded.