Saturday, September 21, 2024


Urgent – .Diyala PC session starts to nominate new Governor

 Urgent – .Diyala PC session starts to nominate new Governor

Urgent....Diyala PC session starts to nominate new Governor

Diyala ( The session of Diyala Provincial Council devoted to elect a new Governor started on Tuesday.

A source in Diyala PC reported on Tuesday “Diyala PC held the session devoted to select Diyala new Governor to succeed the late Governor, Hisham al-Hayali.”

“The Session was attended by the earlier arrested member, Ismail al-Jubouri, of the iraqiya Slate,” the source added.

The post of Diyala Governor was vacant since last August, 18th after the death of the Governor, Hisham al-Hayali, at a traffic accident where his Deputy, Furat al-Timimi assumed Hayali’s post as Acting Governor.

Earlier, a security force arrested the member of Diyala Provincial Council, Ismaeel al-Jobouri, of the Iraqi Accord Front within the Iraqiya Slate for charges related to article 4 of Anti-Terrorism Law on Tuesday.