Sunday, September 22, 2024


Hussieni criticizes dilatory performance of Investigations over Ration Card items

 Hussieni criticizes dilatory performance of Investigations over Ration Card items

Hussieni criticizes dilatory performance of Investigations over Ration Card items

Baghdad ( Member of the Economic and Investment Parliamentary Committee, MP Abul Hussien Reysan al-Hussieni, criticized “The dilatory performance of the Investigation Committee formed over the materials of the Ration Card,” noting that “Despite the fact that the committee was formed nine months ago, it did not complete its task.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he criticized “The delay in the performance of the committee over the corruption files related to the Ration Card food staff.”

He called “The member of the Committee to speed up accomplishing their tasks due to the importance of the report of the committee to avoid the corruption in the next stage.”

Huge number of Iraqis are dependent in their basic food on the items of food staff of the Ration Card which is a system that involves distributing five food items among the citizens monthly.

This system was established by the UN in 1991 after the Iraqi invasion for Kuwait.