Friday, September 20, 2024


3 cleaning laborers lost in sewage pipeline in Maysan

Maysan ( Three of cleaning laborers were lost in one of the sewage pipelines in Maysan province.

The head of the Security Committee in Maysan Provincial Council, Sirhan Salim Younis, stated to Iraqi News ( on Thursday “Three labors who are between 15- 20 years old were lost in the pipeline of al-Btera project in Amara city.”

“The primary investigations show that one of them entered the pipeline to clean it, but he fainted and the other two went to help him but the quantity of the sewage resulted in losing them,” he added, noting that “The Health Directorate of Maysan province’s ambulances and Civil Defense Department were called to search for them.”

“The indicators show that they might be dead but there is no evidence to approve it,” he concluded.