Monday, October 7, 2024


Gharab accuses Kurds of demolishing houses of Arab community in Kirkuk

 Gharab accuses Kurds of demolishing houses of Arab community in Kirkuk

Gharab accuses Kurds of demolishing houses of Arab community in Kirkuk

Baghdad ( The Iraqiya Slate’s MP Abdullah Gharab of Kirkuk province accused the local administration of Kirkuk of “demolishing the houses of the Arab citizens in the city.”

MP Gharab stated to Iraqi News ( “According to our information houses of Arab residents in Orouba neighborhood in Kirkuk city were destructed due to charges of being non-original residents of Kirkuk according to instructions from the local administration of Kirkuk which is controlled by the Kurdish and Turkmen communities,” noting that “This action is against the constitution.”

He added “The internal situation in Kirkuk is very dangerous due to the bad administration of the Governor and the Chairman of the Provincial Council who both work to satisfy the interests of their communities while they are supposed to treat all constituents of the province equally.”

MP Gharab mentioned that “A clear change took place on the administrative and housing maps of Kirkuk after 2003 since the area of the city used to be 25 square kilometers before 2003 it became more than 57 square kilometers as a result of building thousands houses by the Kurdish Community.”

He described the Arab representation within the Provincial Council of the province as “Weak and unable to stand against the decisions of the PC since Arabs have seven seats while the Kurds have 27 seats.”