Sunday, September 29, 2024


Jobouri: 660 Articles within Constitution need amendments

 Jobouri: 660 Articles within Constitution need amendments

Jobouri: 660 Articles within Constitution need amendments

Baghdad ( MP, Haitham al-Jubouri, revealed that “More than 660 Articles within the Iraqi Constitution need amendments,” noting that “The Reforms Committee will recommend the Constitutional Amendments Committee to do the required amendments.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The Constitutional Amendments Committee needs to present these amendments to the Iraqis through a referendum so the Reforms Committee will request the political sides to facilitate the performance of the Constitutional Amendments Committee to be able to accomplish its tasks.”

He ruled out “Conducting the required amendments during the current parliamentary term due to the general situation in the country which does not encourage them.”

Earlier, the Iraqiya Slate called to amend the constitution similarly the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, confirmed the need to amend the constitution.

The parliament formed a Constitutional Amendments Committee to consider the defects of the current constitution to amend them.