Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Erdogan: Turkey not to hand over Hashimi

 Erdogan: Turkey not to hand over Hashimi

Erdogan: Turkey not to hand over Hashimi

( Turkey announced its objection to hand over the Iraqi judiciallly wanted Vice President Tareq al-Hashimi to Iraq.

The Prime Minister of Turkey, Raccep Tayib Erdogan, stated in a press statement “We will keep Hashimi in Turkey as long as he wants to stay in our country.”

Erdogan added “We will never hand him over unless he personally desires to depart.”

Earlier, the Supreme Criminal Court has issued, on last Sunday, September 9th a death verdict in absentia against the fugitive Vice President, Tareq al-Hashimi, and the Director of his Office, Ahmed Qahtan, for charges of murdering the female lawyer, Suhad al-Ubaidi, and the officer, Talib Balasim, and his wife.