Saturday, September 21, 2024


MPs call Talabani to respect constitution over forming Tigris Operations Command in Kirkuk

 MPs call Talabani to respect constitution over forming Tigris Operations Command in Kirkuk

MPs call Talabani to respect constitution over forming Tigris Operations Command in Kirkuk

Baghdad ( A number of Arab MPs of Kirkuk province called “The President, Jalal Talabani, to respect the constitution concerning the formation of Tigris Operations Command in Kirkuk.”

During a conference held with a number of MPs at the parliament building on Tuesday, MP, Yasin al-Ubaidi, stated “The facts proved that the multiplicity of decision making centers will fail in running the crucial files as in Kirkuk province.”

“We welcome forming Tigris Operations Command according to Article 110 of the constitution which authorizes only the Federal Government to form and run the military formations,” he added.

“The Iraqi Army is not permitted to practice its duties in Kirkuk except the western part of the province which allows the continuous security breaches in the province,” he mentioned.

“Till which time the militias are roaming the roads in the province to scare the citizens?” he asked, stressing that “The political blocs adhere to the constitution only when it protects their interests.”

Earlier, the Kurdish sides announced their rejection for the formation of the Tigris Operations Command in Kirkuk province during their meeting with the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani.

It is worth mentioning that the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, tasked the Commander of Diyala Operations Command, General Abdul Ameer al-Zayadi, to assume the responsibility of three provinces.

Zayadi stated to “Maliki, as the General Commander of the Armed Forces instructed to task me to head the Command of Diyala, Salah-il-Din and Kirkuk provinces under the name of Tigris Operations Command.”

“This order comes to coordinate among the three provinces to sustain security,” he concluded.