Monday, September 23, 2024


Dozens demonstrate in Najjaf to protest offending Prophet Mohammad

 Dozens demonstrate in Najjaf to protest offending Prophet Mohammad

Dozens demonstrate in Najjaf to protest offending Prophet Mohammad

Najaf ( Dozens of citizens of Najaf province gathered at Thaurat Ishreen square of central Najaf province to prepare for a demonstration to protest the insult against the Great Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) by US extremist Christians.’s correspondent reported that “Dozens of Najaf‘s people gathered at Thaurat Ishreen square to launch a demonstration to denounce a shameful attempt to be adopted by extremist Christians by putting the Prophet Mohammad to trial to be performed on the anniversary of 11th September attack in the US.”

Earlier, member of the Parliamentary Endowments and Religious Affairs Committee, Hamid Bafi, has revealed on last Wednesday that his Commission intends to “coordinate with international Islamic organizations to sue the extremist Coptic Christians who are preparing to display a film to insult the reputation of the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH).”

Terry Jones, the pastor of the Christian Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, US, announced he would burn 200 copies of the Holy Quran on the 2010 anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Jones is the author of the book “Islam is of the Devil.”

Florida pastor Terry Jones has vowed to step up his provocative campaign against Islam.

The radical pastor said that he was considering “putting Islamic prophet Mohammed ‘on trial’ for his next ‘day of judgment’ publicity stunt.”