Friday, September 20, 2024


Mass demonstration in Samarra denounces defaming Prophet Mohammed PBUH

 Mass demonstration in Samarra denounces defaming Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Mass demonstration in Samarra denounces defaming Prophet Mohammed PBUH

Salah al-Din ( A mass demonstration for the people of Samarra was launched after the Friday Prayer, condemning the offense that targeted the personality of the Prophet Mohammed [PBUH].

The reporter of Iraqi News ( reported that “Huge crowds demonstrated in Samarra city of Salah-il-Din province set off after Friday prayers held in al-Razzaq mosque condemning and denouncing the film, which offends the personality of the Prophet Mohammed [PBUH].”

He added that “Among the demonstrators, there were cultural, religious and governmental officials as well as a number of dignitary figures in the province.”

Similar demonstrations took place in several Iraqi provinces such as Basra, Maysan, Najaf and Wassit condemning the repeated abuses against the Holy Prophet Muhammad [PBUH].