Saturday, September 21, 2024


Maysan Christians, Sabeans denounce offending Prophet Mohamed (PBUH)

Maysan ( The Christian and Sabian sects in Maysan province denounced the movie which targeted the reputation of the Great Prophet Mohammad (Peace by upon him).

The representative of the Christians sect, Jalal Daniel Thomas, stated to “We strongly condemn the insult against the character of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUM),” noting that “The Christian community in Baghdad will issue later in this day an official statement to denounce this abuse on behalf of the Head of the Chaldean sect in the world, the Cardinal Delly Emanaal III.”

For his part, the Head of the Sabean sect in Maysan Badr Hammadi denounced this insult stressing that “These steps will not undermine the character of the great Prophet Mohammad (PBUM) as he is the messanger of God to the humanity before being a prophet for Muslims only,” confirming that “All the Iraqi communities and sects have promised to confront such malicious attempts that aim to ignite sectarian disputes among the ethnic communities.”