Wednesday, September 25, 2024


MP warns from procrastinating citizens’ demands in Basra to punish commander of 3rd Battalion

 MP warns from procrastinating citizens’ demands in Basra to punish commander of 3rd Battalion

MP warns from procrastinating citizens\

Baghdad ( MP Suzan al-Saad of the Fadhila bloc warned from procrastinating the demands of the citizens in Basra related to punishing the commander of the 3rd Battalion due to insulting a group of fishermen and one of the religious symbols, calling the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki “To dismiss such kind of people that defame the security forces.”

In a press statement received by on Sunday, she said “We feel that there is procrastination to the demands of the citizens in Basra to punish the commander of the 3rd Battalion of the 14th Division of the Iraqi Army who insulted the religious symbols to create sectarian sedition in addition to insulting some fishermen of Basra province.”

She warned “From procrastinating the demands of the citizens,” calling on “Maliki to dismiss such kind of people that defame the security forces.”

She stressed the necessity of “Re-considering the mechanism of nominating the security leaders by checking the curriculum vitae of the candidates.”