Saturday, September 21, 2024


IS considers forming new board of Commissioners of IHEC as Big victory

 IS considers forming new board of Commissioners of IHEC as Big victory

IS considers forming new board of Commissioners of IHEC as "Big victory"

Baghdad ( The Iraqiya Slate considered forming the new board of Commissioners of the Independent High Electoral Commission as “A big victory to the political process,” announcing “Its support to the nomination of the ninth Commissioner from the Turkmen constituent to be a woman candidate.”

The spokesperson of the IS, Haider al-Mula, stated in a press conference on Monday “The parliament voted on eight Commissioners of the IHEC, but the ninth Commissioner is still not nominated due to the disputes among the political blocs,” noting that “The IS supports nominating the ninth Commissioner from the Turkmen constituent because it is the biggest among the minor constituents.”

“The parliament stated in a statement that it supports the ninth Commissioner to be a women and the Turkmen community has the right to have this post,” he concluded.

The Rafidain bloc requested the parliament to make the ninth Commissioner from the Christian community.