Friday, September 20, 2024


Talabani to meet Maliki in Sulaimaniya next Wednesday

 Talabani to meet Maliki in Sulaimaniya next Wednesday

Talabani to meet Maliki in Sulaimaniya next Wednesday

Baghdad ( The President, Jalal Talabani, will received, on next Wednesday, the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, at his residence in Sulaimaniya province after his return from the medical treatment.

The Spokesman of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Azad Jundiyani, stated to “Maliki will head to Sulaimaniya to meet Talabani,” noting that “Both sides will discuss the political updates and the pending issues among the blocs in addition to the means of solving the current crisis.”

“They will hold talks over the disputed areas including Kirkuk and the formation of Tigris Operations Command,” he added.

“Talabani will discuss finding the common ground to hold the national meeting with the leaders of the political blocs,” he stressed, assuring that “The current crisis is complicated due to the lack of trust among the various sides.”

He ruled out “Setting a date for holding the national meeting because this is linked with the success of the upcoming talks that Talabani will hold with the political blocs next days.”

Earlier, Talabani arrived, on last Monday evening, in Sulaimaniya province coming from Germany after completing a medical treatment there.