Saturday, September 21, 2024


Turkmen insist on wining 9th seat of IHEC Commissioners’ Board

 Turkmen insist on wining 9th seat of IHEC Commissioners’ Board

Turkmen insist on wining 9th seat of IHEC Commissioners\

Baghdad ( MP Hasan al-Bayati of the Turkmen Front stressed that “The Turkmen insist on nominating the ninth commissioner of the Independent High Electoral Commission from the Turkmen community.”

Bayati added that “The Turkmen community is the only constituent that nominated a female candidate to be a representative for the Turkmen and women in the IHEC.”

He stated to “All the Parliamentary Committees held meetings with the Women Committee where they assured that they uphold nominating a woman for the Commissioners Board yet they did not nominate a female element, thus the Turkmen group is the only side that nominated a woman for this post.”

“The Turkmen female nominee enjoys the required features and she worked as a Director General in the IHEC for five years,” he assured.

The Turkmen MP added that “The ninth name of the IHEC Commissioners’ Board is the Turkmen‘s merit as being the third community of the Iraqi society as approved by the Parliament earlier.”

Bayati referred that “There are no other women candidates to compete with the Turkmen candidate but there is a male Christian candidate who seeks winning this seat but we are determined to win it”

It is worth to mention that the Parliament has voted, on last Monday session, on eight candidates out of nine members for the IHEC Comisseners Board .

Meanwhile, the vote on the ninth Commissioner has been postponed due to a dispute that took place between the Turkmen and the Christians and other religious minorities over this seat.