Monday, September 23, 2024


IIP, DIP discuss mechanisms of settling current crisis

IIP, DIP discuss mechanisms of settling current crisis

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Islamic Party stressed “The necessity of stopping the random arrest operations during its meeting with a delegation from the Dawa Islamic Party on last Tuesday.”

A statement by the IIP received by cited “A delegation of the IIP headed by its Secretary General, Ayad al-Samarayi, met a number of leading figures within the DIP on last Tuesday,” noting that “Both sides discussed the means of settling the current political crisis and they stressed the importance of activating the dialogues among the blocs.”

“Samarayi emphasized the significance of stopping the random arrests that are conducted in specific areas and the negative practices of the security forces,” the statement added.

“The meeting was attended by Rasheed al-Azzawi, Baha al-Naqshabandi and Saleem al-Jobouri, who represented the IIP in addition to Waleed al-Hilli, Haider al-Ebadi and Abdul Haleem al-Ziheiri who represented the DIP,” the statement concluded.

Iraq witnesses political crisis lasted for several months due to the disputes among the political sides related to the partnership and other issues which led some blocs to call for withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, after holding meetings in Najaf and Erbil provinces.