Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqiya Slate moves away from patriotic project, says MP

"Iraqiya Slate moves away from patriotic project," says MP

Baghdad ( MP Ghaida Kambash of the Iraqiya Slate (IS) stressed that “The IS moved away from its patriotic project.”

She said in a statement to “The deterioration in the IS’ internal situation was a result of granting the two seats of the IS’ share in the Commissioners’ Board of the Independent High Electoral Commission for two candidates from Anbar province.”

Kambash assured that “This step led to an objection by MPs of Mosul, Diyala, Salah il-Din, and Kirkuk provinces against this distribution of nominations.”

Kambash added “Anbar province was awarded the majority of the influential posts where the Deputy Premier post and the Finance, electricity, Defense and Culture Ministries posts are granted for candidates from this province,” she added, noting “Besides these large-scale responsibilities, the IS granted the two posts of the Commissioners’ Board seats for candidates from Anbar province.”