Saturday, September 21, 2024


Amiri denies reports over threatening US Embassy in Baghdad

Amiri denies reports over threatening US Embassy in Baghdad

Baghdad ( The Secretary General of Badr Organization, Hadi al-Amiri, denied threatening the US Embassy in Baghdad.

The spokesman of Badr Organization, Qasim al-Araji, assured in a statement received by that “Amiri denied the media reports which quoted his as giving the Embassy a period of 72 hours to denounce the movie that defame the prophet Mohamed Peace Be Upon Him.”

“As we strongly condemns this movie and call the US Administration to prevent its screening, we confirm our respect for the diplomatic missions in Iraq and our adherence to their safety because it is not our policy to threat the others,” he concluded.

Earlier, An offending movie that was posted at You tube website over the Prophet Mohamed, PBUH, and that movie resulted in huge reactions among the Muslim in different countries where the US Embassies were targeted in many places especially in Libya where the US Ambassador was killed.

It is worth mentioning that this movie is supported by Terry Jones, the pastor of the Christian Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida, US, who announced he would burn 200 copies of the Holy Quran on the 2010 anniversary of the September 11 attacks.

Jones is the author of the book “Islam is of the Devil.” He has vowed to step up his provocative campaign against Islam. The radical pastor said that he was considering putting Islamic prophet Mohammed ‘on trial’ for his next ‘day of judgment’ publicity stunt.