Friday, September 20, 2024


PUK: Maliki’s visit to Talabani aims to reassure on latter’s health

PUK: Maliki\

Erbil ( The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan headed by the Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani, stressed that “The recent visit of the Prime Minister, Nouri Al-Maliki, with the accompanied governmental delegation to Sulaimaniya aimed to reassure on Talabani’s health.”

The PUK stressed that “The Party will not take any step without the coordination between Talabani and the President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barazani.”

A statement by the PUK quoted the Head of the Political Office of the Union, Adnan Al-Mufti, as saying “The visit of Maliki came to reassure on the health of Talabani who spent three months in Germany for medical rehabilitation,” he added confirming “The two sides discussed the general political developments in Iraq, besides tackling the pending issues between the Kurdistan Region and the Federal Government.”