Monday, September 23, 2024


Replacing Maliki to settle current crisis still valid options, says Kurdish MP

Replacing Maliki to settle current crisis still valid options, says Kurdish MP

Baghdad ( MP, Firhad al-Atroushi, of the Kurdistani Alliance pointed out that “Replacing the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, is still a valid option for settling the current political crisis in the country.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (, he said “We have many options to solve the current crisis and to form the upcoming political scene,” noting that “These options include implementing Erbil Agreement by the ruling sides, forming new government, reforming the current government, replacing Maliki by another from the Iraqi National Alliance or even conducting early elections.”

“If the political sides adhered to Erbil Agreement and other agreements, the crisis will be solved otherwise the some political sides will have other stances and the crisis will remain lingered which affects the governmental performance especially concerning the security file,” he concluded.

Iraq witnesses political crisis lasted for several months due to the disputes among the political sides related to the partnership and other issues which led some blocs to call for withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, after holding meetings in Najaf and Erbil provinces.