Monday, September 23, 2024


Sadr Trend launches demonstration on anniversary of Sadr’s assassination in Najaf

Sadr Trend launches demonstration on anniversary of Sadr\

Najaf ( A public demonstration was launched by the Sadr Trend in Najaf province on the anniversary of assassinating the Religious Authority Ayatollah Mohamed al-Sadr, by the former regime. reporter stated “The public demonstration was organized by Sadr Trend in Najaf on Thursday evening,” noting that “It starts from Thawrat al-Eshreen square heading to the Sadr’s shrine.”

“The demonstrators raised candles in their hands to celebrate the anniversary of Sadr’s assassination,” the reporter added.

Sadr, who is the father of Muqtada al-Sadr, the leader of the Sadr Trend, was killed by the former regime in 1999.