Monday, September 23, 2024


Babel PC decides to possess cemetery in Babel

Babel PC decides to possess cemetery in Babel

Babel, Hilla ( Babel Provincial Council decided to possess a land that is considered as cemetery since there are the bodies of about (200) martyrs of Shaabaniya revolution happened in 1991.

The Head of the Political Martyrs Committee in Babel PC, Bushra Muhan, stated to on Friday that ”The decision of Babel PC aims to support the lawsuit which filed by the Martyrs Foundation against the Antiquities Department that rejected the request which was submit by the Martyr Foundation to own the land in order to fence it and establish a memorial and museum to be a witness for the crimesof the fomer regime committed against the Iraqi people,” noting that “The land located in Mahawel district behind Abu Hejel hill.”

The former Iraqi regime implemented arrest and executing campaigns for hundreds of the Iraqi people during the Shaabaniya revolution in 1991, and specially the citizens of the northern and southern provinces because their opposition activity in the two regions. \