Monday, September 23, 2024


Timimi accuses CoM of marginalizing Basra province

Timimi accuses CoM of marginalizing Basra province

Baghdad ( MP Mansour al-Timimi of Basra Province accused the Council of Ministers of being treating provinces according to double standards and marginalizing Basra province.

Speaking to Iraqi News, he said on Friday “The CoM is working to marginalizing Basra province since it approved to select Najaf province as the Islamic Capital and Babel as the Historic Capital of Iraq, while it rejects to approve Basra as the economic capital of Iraq although it has all the economic factors and the ministers receive their salaries from the revenues of Basra.”

“This attitude of marginalization is deliberate but the people of Basra will not keep silent towards rejection of the Government to compensate the province for the harmful policies of the former regime against Basra,” Timimi added.

He stressed “The Parliamentary bloc formed by the MPs of Basra province demanded the CoM and the Parliament to endorse the article (120) of the Iraqi Law in order to turn Basra Government into a real partner in administrating the oil fields and participating in drawing oil policies in the province in addition to compensating the province for the deprivation it suffered from the former regime by paying the province $5 for each oil barrel produced in Basra.”

“The formed bloc will set a time limit for achieving the demands” he noted, stressing that “In case the demands were not achieved, we will boycott the sessions of the Parliament in order to reveal for the people of Basra the sides that hinder developing their province.”