Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqis consume medicine more than people of neighboring countries, says MP

Iraqis consume medicine more than people of neighboring countries, says MP

Baghdad ( MP, Mohamed Iqbal, of the Parliamentary Environment and Health Committee announced that the Iraqi people consume medicine more than others in the region.

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The Iraqi people are used to consume medicine largely may be due to the good economic situation in the last period of time where there are many statistics show that.”

“The procedures of the Health Minister in this issue are many such as authorizing the hospitals to purchase the medicine directly in (100) IQD Million for each hospital from the local drug stores if they cannot find it in the Ministry of Health,” he added.

“The weakness of the observation procedures is not an easy issue where there is an intention by the Ministry and the Parliamentary Health Committee to eliminate this phenomenon, but sometimes the capacities are limited because the medical policy needs planning and factories for producing medicine,” he concluded.