Sunday, September 22, 2024


MP: Report of Investigation Health Committee sent to Parliament

MP: Report of Investigation Health Committee sent to Parliament

Baghdad ( MP, Iman Muhan, member of the Health and Environment Parliamentary Committee stated that ”After completion of the works of the investigation committee, which was formed to follow up the work of the health institutions within the Ministry of Health, the detailed report will be submited by the Ministry of Health to the Parliament Chairmanship to consider it.”

She added in statement to on Saturday that ”The investigation Parliamentary Committee involves six MPs who will follow up the performance of the Health Ministry and the performance of the General Inspector as well as the files under the supervision of the General Inspector Office.”

She pointed out that ”The committee started to consider the problems in the Ministry of Health, pointing that ”The Ministry of Health is not so cooperative with the investigation committee.”

Muhan continued saying that ”The investigation committee is investigating several cases in the Ministry of Health such as tenders concluded with companies to equip the Ministry of Health with medical devices in addition to corruption files.”

The Health and Environment Parliamentary Committee has formed a committees to follow up the work of the Ministry of Health and all it directorates as well as the General Inspector Office. \