Tuesday, October 8, 2024


MP: GCAF’s office unable to set strategic security to sustain stability


Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Shwan Mohamed Taha, of the Kurdistani Alliance and the member of the parliamentary Security and Defense Committee, stated “The office of the General Commander of the Armed Forces is unable to set a strategic plan to sustain stability,” noting that “There is an attempt by the office of the GCAF to take the authorities way from the Defense and Interior ministries.”

“The office of the GCAF is like another Council of Ministers where the office of the GCAF must has a manager only, but the GCAF office has a Secretary for the security operations, a Secretary for the Intelligence and a Secretary for running the office,” he added.

“These posts are presented in the Defense Ministry but having them in the office of the GCAF means taking the authorities away from the Defense Ministry,” he concluded.