Sunday, September 22, 2024


Parliament not to endorse Infrastructure law draft, says MP

Parliament not to endorse Infrastructure law draft, says MP

Baghdad ( MP Jawad al-Hisnawi of the Ahrar Bloc considered the Infrastructure law draft as “An attempt to politically defame the Iraqi Parliament and show it as opposing to reconstructing infrastructures despite the suspicions of corruption that cover the law.”

“The law lacks transparency so it would not be endorsed,” he stated to Iraqi News Monday.

He added “The government makes use of the law drafts that serve the general interests as a kind of advertisement, while it neglects the issues which are considered as a part of its duties.”

The former and current governments include the same faces,” MP Hisnawi mentioned, noting that “Endorsing the Infrastructure law draft will increase the benefits of the corrupted officials.”

He also demanded the government to reveal the “fate of billions of dollars which were spent on developing services in vain.”

It is worth to mention that the Iraqi Parliament is scheduled to vote on the Infrastructure law draft on its regular session of Monday after its failure to endorse the law draft during the last three former sessions.