Saturday, September 28, 2024


Sadrist MP demands replacing Maliki

Sadrist MP demands replacing Maliki

Baghdad ( MP Maha al-Dori of the Ahrar parliamentary bloc within the Sadr Trend called upon the Iraqi National Alliance to “hold an emergency session to replace PM Nouri al-Maliki by another person to the post of the Prime Minister due to his failure to maintain security in the country.”

She said, at a press conference in the parliament building and was attended by the correspondent of Iraqi News (, on Monday, that “I call upon the INA to hold an emergency session to replace al-Maliki by a Shiite person from the Alliance to take over the post of the prime minister for being primarily responsible for the colossal security failure.”

She asked “When will the Iraqi National Alliance stand against Maliki and tell him enough bloody days and security failed plans?”

Baghdad and several other Iraqi provinces suffered recently a series of armed attacks and car bombs and improvised explosive devices which resulted in killing and injuring dozens of civilians, including members of the security forces.