Saturday, September 28, 2024


Kurdish MP: National partnership government best choice to rule Iraq

Kurdish MP: National partnership government best choice to rule Iraq

Baghdad ( MP Muayed al-Tayeb of the Kurdistani Alliance assured that “there is no other choice except the national partnership government to rule Iraq.”

Responding to the statements of the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki over the national partnership government, he said to Iraqi News ( on Tuesday “The only successful choice for ruling Iraq is the real national partnership government and the balance mentioned in the constitution,” noting that “The Iraqi people will decide who will rule Iraq not any political side can decide that.”

“After two years of the current government, it is clearly shown that none of the political blocs can rule the country alone,” he added.

“The problems that Iraq has are caused because of the lack of the real partnership government and violating the constitution,” he concluded.

Earlier, The Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, stated in an interview “The experiment of the national partnership government has changed from the joint cooperation among the blocs to hindering the performance of the government and dominating the minority over the majority which is a reflected image of democracy,” assuring that “I am working on not repeating this experiment once again.”