Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Nusaiyf criticizes contract of establishing Basra Sports City project

Nusaiyf criticizes contract of establishing "Basra Sports City" project

Baghdad ( MP Aliya Nusaiyf of the Iraqiya Hurra Bloc criticized the contract concluded previously by the Ministry of Youth and Sports to construct Basra Sports City project for it did not include the provision of electric power for this project after completing it.

Nusaiyf said that “This project, if inaugurated, will consume the two doubles of the electric power which is already consumed by the Basra province.”

She assured that “It is impossible to make use of this project without equipping it by sufficient power current,” confirming “this thing is not available in Basra at this moment.”

Nusaiyf blamed “The Ministry of Youth and Sports for it contracted with the implementing company without requiring providing the most important thing in the project, namely the electric power current.