Sunday, September 22, 2024


Nusaiyf: Kurds foriegn policy contradicts Iraq’s foreign policy

Nusaiyf: Kurds foriegn policy contradicts Iraq\

Baghdad ( MP Aliya Nusaiyf of the Iraqiya Hurra Bloc accused Kurdistan Region of adopting foreign policies that contradict with the foreign policy of Iraq.

Nusaiyf said in a statement “The talks of the National Security Advisor of Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barazani, with the Kuwaiti Prince Sabah Ahmed al-Sabah caused a shock to the Iraqi people who suffered for many years from Kuwait’s hostile policies towards Iraq.”

She added that “The talks that have been conducted between Barazani and Kuwait Emir tackled the means to expand the cooperation between Kuwait and Kurdistan Region in all fields of interest for both sides,” stressing that Kurdistan Region behaves as if it is a State within a State without showing any respect to the Iraqi central government’s stances and decisions.”

“We do not object any diplomatic activities to be held by Kurdistani officials with any neighboring countries on condition that the foreign policy of the Region should not be different from Iraq’s orientations especially Iraq still has pending issues that need to be settled with Kuwait,” Nusaiyf assured.

It is worth to mention that the Kurdistan Region’s National Security Advisor has reported in a statement that he has conducted recently talks with Kuwait Prince to discuss developing the bilateral relations and enhancing the mutual cooperation between both sides in all domains.