Sunday, September 22, 2024


MPs call to nominate qualified police commander for Salah il-Din province

MPs call to nominate qualified police commander for Salah il-Din province

Baghdad ( MPs of Salah il-Din province assured “The escape of the prisoners of Tasfirat prison in Tikrit was done by cooperation with the security forces that protect the prison,” calling to “Nominate a new police commander that is from Salah il-Din and should be experienced and qualified to avoid the security breaches.”

A statement by the parliament chairmanship received by on Thursday cited ‘MPs of Salah il-Din province held a meeting headed by MP, Abd Thiyab al-Ajaili, with Salah il-Din Governor, Ahmed Abdul Allah, and the head of the Security Committee of Salah il-Din Provincial Council to discuss the latest security breaches.”

“Ajaili stressed the necessity of granting complete authorities to the governors to sustain stability in the provinces, pointing out that the MPs will coordinate with the governors to follow up the general situations and settle the issues that complicate the security situation such as the elimination file to the qualified officers,” the statement concluded.