Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Adeeb, US official discuss mutual cooperation

Adeeb, US official discuss mutual cooperation

Baghdad ( The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Ali al-Adeeb, discussed today, with the US Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs, Adam Ereli, increasing the number of accepted students in American universities, as well as the development of scientific and cultural cooperation, according to the Framework of the Strategic Agreement signed between Iraq and the United States.

A statement of the Ministry of Education received by Iraqi News ( cited that “Adeeb said that the ministry is keen to increase the number of Iraqi students on scholarships to the U.S. sober universities from 200 to 500 students, according to the scholarship program launched by the ministry late last year,” stressing the importance of finding a Cooperation mechanism in the field of admission of students, similar to the mechanism to accept Iraqi students in German and French universities.”

He added that “cooperation is not limited to the acceptance of Iraqi students in American universities, but that the ministry want to encourage cooperation between U.S. research centers and Iraqi counterparts, as well as training programs lecturers, especially in

in the fields of engineering and sustainable Banking and administrative, calling the U.S. side to facilitate visa procedures for entering scholarships students. “

Adeeb continued saying that “The ministry is keen on activating the twinning process between Iraqi universities and their U.S. counterparts,” pointing to “The possibility of finding a mechanism to prepare cadres of the teaching staff of the University of the Oil and Gas in Qurna district in Basra province by specialized American universities.”

For his part, the Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Adam Ereli expressed his country’s readiness to “develop scientific and cultural cooperation between the two countries, and to facilitate the admission procedures for Iraqi students in American universities.”