Tuesday, October 8, 2024


Kurdish MP calls SLC to resign PM post

Kurdish MP calls SLC to resign PM post

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Ruz Mahdi, of the Kurdistani Democratic Party called “The MPs of the State of Law Coalition to resign from the Government and to resign from the Premier post due to their objection for the principle of the political accord in forming the Government.”

Speaking to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com), he said “The statements of the SLC over forming the majority government are not new, but they increased after the withdrawal of the US Troops’ Forces from Iraq in 2011,” noting that “The SLC leaders have taken their current posts by the political deals, but they are rejecting it now where history will clearly mention these stances.”

“If the SLC leaders oppose the political deals, we will call them to resign form the government and Premier post because this government was formed by the political deals where they have to give chance to others to participate in the government,” he added.

“Talking about the majority government is incorrect and there will not be big changes in the political process,” he concluded.