Saturday, September 28, 2024


SLC MP: Security ministers to be approved by Maliki only

SLC MP: Security ministers to be approved by Maliki only

Baghdad ( MP, Ibrahim al-Rikabi, of the State of Law Coalition assured that the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, is the only person who is authorized to approve the nomination of the security ministers.

Speaking to Iraqi News ( on Thursday, he said “In spite of the talks over the security ministries, but the only and last word will be for Maliki as being the General Commander of the Armed Forces, to approve the nomination of the candidates for the security ministers post after reviewing their curriculum vita.”

Regarding the reports over the political pressures by the Iraqiya Slate to accept the current Acting Defense Minister, Sadoun al-Dulaimi, he said “Dulaimi is a suitable figure and he is in this post for a long time where he helped in forming the Iraqi Army.”