Saturday, September 21, 2024


Political prisoners demonstrate in Najaf

Political prisoners demonstrate in Najaf

Najaf ( Dozens of the former political prisoners in Najaf demonstrated demanding to grant them pieces of land inside the province.

The correspondent of mentioned in Saturday ”The political prisoners organized a demonstration, in Sadrein Square on Saturday, demanding Najaf governor to grant them pieces of land instead of the lands which were located at the remote areas of Najaf province.”

The demonstrators confirmed ”The Presidency of the Cabinet has allocated IQD (82) million for each political prisoners or a piece of land that equals the value of the amount of money, but, they were granted pieces of land located at the desert areas of Najaf province,” noting that “The lands which were distributed for the political prisoners do not worth more than ten IQD million.”

It is worth to be mentioned, the political prisoners have organized a demonstration previously for the same reasons, but, the concerned authorities did not respond for them. \