Saturday, September 21, 2024


Urgent – .Turki nominated to replace Shibibi as Governor of ICB

Breaking News....Turki nominated to replace Shibibi as Governor of ICB

Baghdad ( The Council of Ministers tasked the head of the Financial Supervision Department, Abdul Basit Turki, to run the Iraqi Central Bank as a substitute for the current Governor of the ICB, Sinan al-Shibibi.

The Iraqiya Satellite Channel quoted the Advisor of the Premier, Ali al-Musawi, as saying “The Council of Ministers decided to task Turki to run the ICB till further notice.”

Earlier, a source from the Parliamentary Committee tasked to investigate the corruption cases in the Iraqi Central Bank revealed that “The Governor of the ICB, Sinan al-Shibibi, called the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, to dismiss four Directors in the Bank for their involvement in corruption cases.”

The source stated to “Shibibi have asked Maliki since three years to dismiss the four directors for they are responsible of the corruption taking place in the ICB yet Maliki rejected.”

“One of the investigation judges issued an arrest warrant against Shibibi but the UNAMI, the US Embassy in addition to the Presidency as well as some of the political leaders interfered and called the head of the Supreme Judicial Council, Midhat al-Mahmoud, who was not informed about the warrant,” the source added.

“Mahmoud issued an order to cancel the warrant and punished the judge who issued it considering arresting Shibibi as impacting the sovereignty of the country,” the source concluded.