Tuesday, October 8, 2024


MP: Majid’s statements aim to bring failure to Talabani’s initiative in settling crisis

MP: Majid\

Baghdad (IraqiNews.com) MP, Ruz Mahdi Khoshnaw, of the Kurdsitani Alliance stated “The timing of the statements of MP, Yasin Majid, of the State of Law Coalition, is to bring failure to the initiative of the President, Jalal Talabani, for settling the political crisis.”

He stated to Iraqi News (IraqiNews.com) on Thursday “Whenever there are initiatives and attempts to conduct dialogues by Talabani, MP, Majid starts to released provocative statements against Kurdistan Region to provoke the other side to respond in similar statements.”

“The President of Kurdistan Region, Masoud Barzani, does not need Majid’s recommendation,” he added, noting that “The current government was formed by Barzani’s initiative where it was the main reason behind forming it.”

“Barzani represents a danger for the dictatorship and the one-party government in Iraq where he will always be against the dictator in Iraq.”

It is worth mentioning that MP, Yasin Majid, has accused Barzani of being “A danger to the economy and security of Iraq where he wants Kurdistan Region to have a powerful political role rather than Baghdad and the Pishmirga elements to replace the IA.”