Monday, September 23, 2024


11 fires extinguished in Najaf during last week

Najaf ( The Civil Defense Dapartment in Najaf province managed to put out (11) fires and seized ammunition during the implementation of security operation last week.

A media source of the Civil Defense Department in Najaf province, Lieutenant Sarmad Hamza reported to on Sunday ”The civil defense elements managed during the last week to extenguish 11 fires, including the fire which broke out in a hotel in Amir neighborhood, were broke out in houses in various areas of Kufa city and the Old Najaf city in addition to northern and southern neighborhoods of Najaf province.”

He added that ”Either electric short circut or negligence were the causes behind these fires,” noting that “The detachments were also able to put out fires erupted in four vehicles due to fuel leakage.”

The source pointed out ”The civil defense elements succeed in lifting mortar shells in Manathera district,” noting that “The mortar shells were discovered by citizens since they were emplaced near a farmland.”