Sunday, September 22, 2024


Nusayif calls to sue Turkey for violating International Convention of Transboundary Waters

Nusayif calls to sue Turkey for violating International Convention of Transboundary Waters

Baghdad ( MP, Aliya Nusayif, of the Hurra Iraqiya Coalition called “The Iraqi Government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to launch a legal case against Turkey in front of the United Nations for violating the International Convention of Transboundary Waters.”

She stated to that “Due to the Turkish violation for the International Convention of Transboundary Waters by erecting the dams including Aliso dam on Tigris River, the government should complain Turkey to the UN.”

“Depriving Iraq from its water shares resulted in huge negative affects on the Iraq agriculture and economy,” she added, stressing that “Turkey did not respond to the Iraqi calls during the last years and the dialogues between the two sides failed in making Turkey retreating its abusive policy.”

She emphasized “The importance of internationalize this case as soon as possible and calling Turkey to pay compensations for all the losses which Iraq suffered during the last years.”

It is worth mentioning that the Iraqi water resource reduced 75% due to the erection of many Turkish dams including Aliso dam which was established recently.