Monday, September 23, 2024


MP criticizes regional movements of some Iraqi political parties

MP criticizes regional movements of some Iraqi political parties

Baghdad ( MP, Saad al-Mutalibi, of the State of Law Coalition criticized “The movements of some Iraqi political parties in the region.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The aims of these parties including some radical Islamic parties are evil,” noting that “These parties will not reflect a bright image for Iraq.”

“Such parties are not dangerous for Iraq only rather they are dangerous for whole Arab nation,” he added.

“What is called as Arab Spring is in reality an autumn for Arabs,” he assured, stressing that “It is a spring for the radical sides which became active in the actual scene.”

He expressed his wonder over “The high and strange coordination among these secret radical sides.”

Iraq witnesses political crisis lasted for several months due to the disputes among the political sides related to the partnership and other issues which led some blocs to call for withdrawing confidence from the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, after holding meetings in Najaf and Erbil provinces.