Monday, September 23, 2024


Iraqi presidency denies reports over canceling execution of Arab prisoners by Talabani

Iraqi presidency denies reports over canceling execution of Arab prisoners by Talabani

Baghdad ( The Iraqi Presidency office denied the reports over the cancelation of the execution against Arab prisoners by the Iraqi President, Jalal Talabani.

A statement by the Presidency mentioned that “Some media outlets quoted certain MP as saying that Talabani has canceled death sentences issued against Arab prisoners.”

“Such remarks if they are correct, indicates ignorance of the Iraqi Constitution which ensures the independency of the judiciary and respect for its resolutions where it do not grant the President an exclusive right to cancel carrying out of execution,” it added.

“It is worth to mention that the constitutional Article no. 72/ 1st states that the President has the right to issue private amnesty at recommendation from the Premier with exempting those cases related to private right and those convicted of committing international crimes, terrorist acts and corruption,” the statement concluded.