Saturday, September 21, 2024


MP describes forming Tigris Operations Command as Constitutional

MP describes forming Tigris Operations Command as "Constitutional"

Baghdad ( MP, Omar al-Jobouri, of the Iraqiya Slate described forming Tigris Operations Command as “Constitutional.”

He stated to Iraqi News ( “The Federal Authorities have the right to form this Command,” noting that “The Kurdish parties do not have the right to object this formation and to protest the deployment of the Iraqi Federal Army all over the Iraqi provinces including Kirkuk.”

“The deployment of the Kurdish militias and the armed forces related to the Kurdish sides is not constitutional and violate the Federal laws in most of the Federal Countries a cross the world,” he concluded.

Earlier, the Premier, Nouri al-Maliki, tasked the Commander of Diyala Operations Command, General Abdul Ameer al-Zaydi, to assume the responsibility of three provinces.

Zaydi stated to “Maliki, as the General Commander of the Armed Groups ordered to task me to head the Command of Diyala, Salah-il-Din and Kirkuk province under the name of Tigris Operations Command.”